Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I hope everybody had a fun, safe Halloween. We had more trick or treaters this year then we have ever had living anywhere else. Luckily I remembered to get candy on my way home from work :). While the kids seemed to like the candy, most (especially the really little ones) were more interested in the dogs. Here is what they were for Halloween

Zoe was a little monkey (because she really is) and Madeline was her banana. They were also super good and did not eat any candy despite their intense desire to.

Despite the fact that we dressed our dogs up, we did not dress up (so not to pull attention from the dogs of course) but it was fun to see Zoe and the little kids interact (Madeline was grumpy because we put her in a costume and people kept knocking on the door). We even have some candy left over for ourselves!

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