This year for Christmas we tried to give a gift to each grandparent "from Will". Will was featured in some way with either a photo, handprint or footprint and while I can't say he really helped (he seems to become extra squirmy when we want him to be still) he definitely was involved so we are claiming as a success.
For my dad, I decided to make a pseudo picture frame. I ordered one of my favorite photos of Will and my dad in black and white and cut it down so it was square. Once I had the dimensions of the photo, I found some wood in the garage that would be bulky enough to stand on its own edge and be large enough to give a nice border around the picture. I cut it to size, sanded it down, stained and sealed it. Once it was all dry, I took some fancy nail heads I had and used them to secure the picture to the wood.
On the other side, I got brave with some paint. I'm still surprised I was able to paint Will's feet, get two fairly decent footprints on the wood in a reasonable heart shape and get him cleaned up without getting paint everywhere. (On a side note, Will's daycare is always doing these cute paint projects with them and I'm always super impressed and a little disappointed I can't get anything to come out nearly as nice... then I remember that there are 5 teachers, aka 10 hands, helping with these projects and I feel slightly less bad about my slightly messy 2 handed projects).
After cleaning Will up and setting him up in his highchair with a snack, I add the "I" and "You" with the same paint. Another day of drying and I had a rustic unique picture frame with a personal touch.
I really enjoy these types of personal projects and I think they will become even more fun when Will can participate a little more.
Linking To: Hi Sugar Plum, The Great Indoors, House of Hepworths, My Repurposed Life, Our Delightful Home, Five Days Five Ways, Serenity Now, Lovely Etc., The Rooster and the Hen, Six Sisters Stuff, Tatertots and Jello, Wayward Girls Crafts, Twigg Studio, Serendipity and Spice, Ask Anna, Home Stories A to Z, Uncommon Designs, House wives of Riverton, Crafty Texas Girls, Southern Institute, Watch out Martha!,
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