Thursday, September 12, 2013

Kitchen Eye Candy

I'm in the midst of a craptastic week of hardcore studying for a test tomorrow (late arriving text-books + software companies that take 2 weeks to send a user name and password = 3 weeks of studying in 1 week) hence the lack of posts this week. To give you something to look forward to, here is some kitchen eye candy. Crown is being delivered on Saturday so we are planning on spending the majority of the weekend in this room. If this isn't enough for you, you can head on over to Knock Off Decor where our new dining room table is being featured today!

1 comment:

  1. You kitchen looks so wonderful. You've come a long way in here! I like the cover over your cook top.
    Did I miss this post?
    I bet it is good to quickly cover up spills (in the event of unexpected company) and extra surface when working in the kitchen or entertaining!
    Love it all! Pat
