Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 in Review

Another year is finished and what a year it was. We've made a lot of changes in our household and I've had a lot of fun going through all the projects we've accomplished this year. Here is a run-down of the rooms that we finished this year and the top posts of the year.

Coming in the top 5 this year for most popular post is our trick to get scratches out of stainless steel. We aren't finished with the kitchen yet but it is really nice to have this cooktop all shiny and new to use.

Also on the list this year is our pantry sign made out of silverware. 

Our sign hangs above our pantry (appropriately) which is one of the rooms we finished this year. Twelve months ago it was a half bathroom with an tight arrangement and awkward placement off the kitchen. After moving the bathroom and opening up a new doorway, we converted the awkward bathroom to a pretty awesome pantry. The pipe shelving is so awesome it was our #1 posted project this year and was even featured on bobvilla.com

Also making the top 5 in the pantry is our DIY'd rope pulls. I've been really surprised by how many different places have featured this super easy project.

Another room that was finished this year was our half bathroom. We didn't want to lose the half bath that we moved out of the pantry so we moved it to the very dysfunctional closet under our stairs. We saved money by reusing the fixtures from the old bathroom and moving the plumbing ourselves.


I also made a roman shade for the window which rounds out the top 5 most popular posts this year.

Also on the list of completed rooms this year is the front hall. A lot of paint and a new light fixture really brightened up the hall and decreased the amount of wood

The last room we finished this year is our main guest room. Initially we just threw together enough stuff to call it a guest room.


 After paint, new linens and new DIY curtains as well as a new layout, we have a guest room we are actually proud to show to our guests.

This list doesn't even start to include the rooms we've made progress on but haven't completed. The beginning of 2013 will be busy trying to finish up a few of these spaces before our biggest project is finished cooking!

(Eight to Twenty Eight Weeks)

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