Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesdays with Will: Trip to New England Part II

Last week we shared the first half of our trip to New England. After apple picking, we spent Saturday afternoon at an Alumni event for our colleges track/x-country team. I even convinced my dad to run the 2 mile Alumni race with me. I think we're both glad we don't have photographic evidence :).

That night we had a little birthday celebration for me and my dad. Our birthdays are about a month apart so we took the trip as an opportunity to celebrate both together.

On Sunday we headed over to one of my all time favorite place, Pemaquid. We've been going every summer for years and it's such a beautiful and serene place. You also get to take in the wonderful Maine scenery on the way over.


For the last couple of weeks, shoes have been out for Will and it's been all about the socks... which he will not wear shoes with. There were a lot of dirty socks generated on this trip.

Will really like climbing on the rocks but he really wanted to get into the water!

We also got lunch down at the docks and found a quiet little spot outside to let Will run around and explore.

We left early Monday morning to take a train back to Boston. Will got his first taste of (watered down) juice and he spent quite awhile taking a sip and saying "yummmm".

We really miss public transportation! We took a train down from Maine and then took the T from the train station all the way to our friends' house for a Labor day BBQ and then took the T all the way to the airport!

It was so nice to catch up with friends for the afternoon and Will got to play which really tuckered him out for the plane.

We got to the airport with some time to spare so while I got us some food, Will got more play time in at the airport playground. How awesome is that?

Will amazingly slept the entire way home, which was AWESOME for us since we were also pretty tuckered. We had such a great trip packed with so many fun events that it definitely took a few nights of good sleep to recover.

Oh and we haven't even told you about this trips project yet!

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