Friday, February 28, 2014

Getting Ready for Guest

March seems to be the month when everyone up north finally gets sick of all the cold and snow and are willing to travel south for a visit. We will basically have a continuous flow of visitors for the next few weeks (which we're super excited about!) and this means that the guest room needed some attention. If you've been following along for awhile, you'll know that this room got a major overhaul about a year and a half ago. Since then, things have moved around a bit and so there is a new (to the room) headboard but as of yesterday, we sill had not put up shades in the room. This room was the only room in the house without shades and I'm happy to report this is no longer the case!

This room has a window that faces East so it gets a lot of morning sunlight. The rest of the house has white wood slat shades and when we bought all of them when we first moved in, we couldn't find enough shades in the correct size so this room got left off the list. While it has left our guests basking in the wee morning hour light, not getting the shades with all the rest was actually a good thing.

After spending so much time redoing this room, we decided against the white shades and instead with darker bamboo shades. They don't block all the light, but drastically reduce how bright the room is. The shades also add a nice amount of texture. I definitely find myself most happy with a room when it is colorful and bright but includes wood accents.

The shades weren't the most difficult things in the world to install but they did take me over an hour to install (all three). This was mostly because I was working by myself while making sure Will didn't get into anything he shouldn't and trying to hold the drill, hardware and screw while screwing upward into the window frame. If you have an extra set of hands or don't have a curious baby, this would be a quick and easy install. I can't wait for the day that I can get Will to help with little projects like this.

Oh and if you haven't completely lost faith in the perceived intelligence of the human race, check out the warning on the plastic bag that the mounting brackets and screws came in.

Seriously? I really want to know the back story that resulted in this warning being necessary.

Have a great weekend and remember: No eating those plastic baggies!

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