Thursday, December 12, 2013

Blog Changes

Finals are officially over! This has been a trying semester and the blog has seen the biggest hit because it is my "fun" work. Now that the semester has wrapped up and things have calmed down, this site is going to get some much needed attention. 

I've been really wanting to make some progress on this so you may already notice some changes (my final finished 3 hrs ago and I've made more progress on the blog than I have in the last month). The big changes are that the "index" page is now gone (it was not reasonable to keep up with and fairly unappealing) but now you'll see a "shop" page. This will bring you over to our Etsy shop... the one that I haven't really mentioned up to this point. Our shop name is CKandNateCreate and it was basically born out of people requesting products that we've made on the blog. It is very small right now but feel free to send us suggestions on anything that you would like to see sold and we can add a listing.

The other thing that I hope to accomplish over my break is to update some older pages that are needing attention and to make them easier to navigate. Right now I'm working on the recipes page and you'll already notice the main page is looking a little better.

Things will be in flux over the next couple of weeks so if something isn't working correctly please be patient (or shoot me an email if a link is broken) and it will hopefully everything will be looking shiny and new by the new year.

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