This month we've made a ton of progress on the kitchen but since I am so behind in showing you what's been going on in the kitchen, I'm using this pic in front of our tree for the 28 week shot.
This week, Baby is the size of a: Chinese Cabbage (which I had to look up to find out is Nappa Cabbage)
How far along? 28 weeks
Due date: March 25, 2012
Total weight gain/loss: 4 lbs
Maternity clothes? We went shopping and I finally found some maternity pants that fit really well and have basically been living in them ever since. I also now have a few maternity tops that I wear but a lot of my old tops/sweaters/jackets/dresses still fit so I alternate between maternity and regular.
Sleep: Most recently I've been pretty tired and so despite the fact that I have to get up to use the bathroom a few times a night, my body resists getting up with a vengeance. The has resulted in a lot of odd dreams so I don't feel very rested when I get up.
Best moment this month: My parents visited and we went baby stuff shopping which was a lot of fun. Also, somebody told me that it was the first time they saw me that I actually looked pregnant which was pretty high up there for moment of the month.
Movement: I can definitely tell that the baby is getting stronger. I can feel the baby roll a lot and there have been a couple of kicks to my lowest rib that actually hurt quite a bit. I can also feel the baby push against my side which is a really odd feeling.
Food cravings: Fruit is still high up there but there hasn't been anything really new or weird this month.
Symptoms: Besides previous symptoms that I've kind of gotten used to at this point I don't really have any new symptoms this month. The only exception to this is the random day that I am starving all day long but that doesn't happen very often.
Gender: Boy!
Feeling toward Pregnancy: I'm feeling pretty good this month.
What I miss: Running and going to the bathroom less than 10 times a day
What I am looking forward to: Starting the baby's room
Milestones: Officially hitting the third trimester
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