Thursday, April 2, 2015

Life Changes

The past couple of weeks have been a roller coaster of emotions. We generally only share a small part of our life here on the blog so here is a quick run down of things you might not know:
  • We've been living in Florida for 4 years and I've spent 3 of those years working on my Ph.D. in Medical Physics
  • While we initially moved down to FL for Nate's job, he switched to a different position last year that allows him to work from home
  • Nobody ever knows what a medical physicist does so if you are interested you can read more details here but basically I work in a hospital making sure that cancer patient treatment plans are correct and treatment machines are working properly
  • New regulations require a 2 year residency for medical physicists to sit for their board exams and this year they switched to a match system  (identical to the system for medical residents) in order to get a residency spot.
  • I've been interviewing for positions for the last few months and our match results came through  last Friday
  • Also on Friday, I defended my dissertation
So, Friday was a really big (and stressful) day. I had put in my rank list a week earlier and I was lucky enough to get quite a few interviews, but there were a lot of rumors that the numbers were pretty bad this year so there was still potential that I wouldn't get a spot so I was pretty nervous. 

It turned out that the numbers were bad and only 39% of people who submitted rank lists got placed, but I was incredibly fortunate enough to match with my top choice, Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, AZ. I also successfully defended my dissertation... Yay!

So what does this all mean? 

We're moving! This is both exciting and sad. We've developed a great community here in FL and it's tough having to start all over again and leave all our amazing friends. We also have put a lot of work into this house and it'll be hard to leave it. We are planning on trying to sell it but we have a quick turn around (we'll be in AZ by the end of June) so we may end up renting it out. Luckily, Nate's job moves with him so we don't have to worry about him finding a new job.

But... we will have a new area to explore and a new place with new projects so that'll be super awesome! And... we have a ton of projects that we are finishing up around the house to get it ready to sell so we'll be sharing those over the next couple of months.

We'd love to hear any suggestions on good neighborhoods in Phoenix or places we should check out!


  1. Wow!
    Congratulations on ALL POINTS!!!
    Looking forward to see all these changes unfold.
    blessings to y'all this Easter
